Monday, February 06, 2017

Reflection 2/6/17

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Today we have Jesus healing people that just touched his cloak, but the verse right before this we read "They had not yet understood the incident of the loaves.  On the contrary, their hearts were hardened." So, the apostles totally miss that they just saw Jesus walking on water and creating a feast out of minuscule amounts of food, and their hearts were hardened.

Hardness of heart is a complex problem that is solved by a very simple recipe.  Trust Him.  Believe in Him.  Have faith of a child.
When the waters are rough we can become anxious and fearful, when we look past the tree to see the forest we can miss the beauty of the sapling just poking through the ground reaching high to the sky to touch the cloak of God. 

Miracles are around us at each moment, indeed every breath is a prayer and a miracle.  Keep reaching to the sky no matter how rough the water or how hopeless we may feel.  We can be the cloak that someone needs to touch come to Jesus.

Be open to the movement of the Spirit, "for it moves as it wills."

Stay with me, Lord, for I doubt.  Stay with me, Lord, for I am scared.  Stay with me, Lord, for I trust and believe in your presence.

Peace be with you!

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