Monday, August 29, 2016

Discern Spirits

Reflection for the Passion of St. John the Baptist

The result of grudges and envy are at the root of the gospel message today.  We will see what can happen when we allow these sins to creep into our life and overtake our judgment.

Herod is manipulated into acting on a devious plan fostered by his wife and daughter.  The result is murder, the beheading of an innocent man.

Herodius is steeped in evil intentions marked by the grudge and hate for the John the Baptist and she lies silent until she finds the right moment to strike.

When she finally gets the opportunity to act she takes full advantage of it and manipulates the situation trapping Herod and his daughter in the plot to kill.

We do the same thing when we participate in gossip, hate, and envy.  We may not kill the physical body, but worse, we slowly extinguish the fire of the Holy Spirit that dwells within each of us.

Every time we sin we darken the soul and make it harder to see Truth.

We can even manipulate others to act with us and that causes others to lose the way.

Herod and his daughter are just as culpable as Herodias in her evil plan and their loyalty to her is not commendable at all, in fact had Herod stood up and rejected the murder, John the Baptist, would have survived the scheme.

May we never be loyal to the evil plans of others and not take part in the manipulation that can kill the body and soul, but may we be always truly wise in the Spirit of God and  rejoice in His consolation so as to bring peace to and foster holiness in our life and the life of others.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Say "Yes"

What is it that Jesus wants from you?  Your Love!  

Mary was faithful her entire life.  We don't know for sure but we can safely assume that during her life she was insulted, humiliated, and stared at with malice. 

This young woman bore the Christ Child, Mary,  became the Mother of God because God lifted her up!

God will lift us up, too.  Lifting our brothers and sisters up that are suffering is a sign of God at work in the world.

Show compassion and love to everyone that you meet, we never know what battle Jesus has them fighting. 

Stay faithful and persevere, the reward is well worth the fight! 

In Him, Rob Lopez, BSD. 

Monday, August 08, 2016


Today's gospel takes a moment to call attention to the taxes that were required for payment.  

Jesus is the King of Heaven and Earth and requires no monetary tax.  

Jesus requires love as the payment.  There is a series of letters written by a monk, Carlos Caretto, and these letters speak volumes about God's love and how solitude reveals His Love most. 

Jesus looks to Peter and tells him to take a coin out of a fishes mouth to pay the tax so there is no offense offered. 

Getting close to the Holy Spirit requires stillness and a willingness to be open. Jesus knew who He was and didn't find it necessary to fight about it.  For that matter, His whole life was spent in love.  

Parable after parable we hear Jesus teaching, but, it is always done with Love, not pride and arrogance. 

The lesson we need to take from this gospel: Humility. 
When we are teaching love, we must first love, to be an example of the one that loved us first.

Love is the key to the kingdom 
We can do NOTHING without Jesus. 

In Him, Rob Lopez, BSD.