Friday, April 14, 2017

Good Friday

Yesterday, Judas, betrayed Jesus. 
Today He lives under the most cruel conditions. 
Today we beat and whip the spirit of hopeful people into the ground. 
We stomp out the flame of Hope in the world.
We reduce the human person to a commodity.
We value the dollar more than human life.
But, someone paid Judas.  Judas was not alone in the plot.
How much have we betrayed Christ for?
As we gaze upon the cruel human behavior and the wood that holds deaths last push, let us remain strong and hopeful that Easter comes and we are made new!  

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Holy Thursday

The washing of the feet at our Lords' supper is the example of being human that we need to follow.  Using our mind to shed the "either-or" thinking and to explore and incorporate, and to eventually live by, non-dual thinking.  

It's not our fault, in so far as we are equipped with and taught the very basics as children.  We isolate into common groups, sports teams, pattern identification in school testing, it all became the system in which we operate with. 

Jesus came to show us that we can use another way to bring the Kingdom to us here.   It requires us to be empathetic, understanding, courageous, inclusive, and a person of action.

Washing the feet opens the door to a new way of thinking.  Serve, lead, work with, incorporate and include, advance the meaning and reason for the law.  It says that "I share in your life"  "We are equal"

Remember that the example of Christ and our response will shape the future and build a better world.

My brothers, "Be still" 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Wednesday of Holy Week

Matthew 26: 14-25

The gospel is reminding us that in this dark night comes redemption.  The glory of the Father is to be made full in time and we get a glimpse of the life He won for us.  No matter our geographical location we are in His Love.  We are always in His Love.  

We hold out for what is to come.  The wheels are in motion and Jesus reminds us that in our weakness we are made strong.   Jesus is troubled and knows what to do.  Pray and wait.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Tuesday of Holy Week

John 13: 21-33 36-38

When we look at the Passion we often think; "Man, Judas, what were you thinking?"  And yet when we gossip and back bite we do the same to Jesus.  We betray the divine in each other, we betray with the sweet words of a nice conversation that turns into the wrong kind of conversation.  We judge and sell each other to be popular or perhaps to get back at someone.

The gospel lets us know that Jesus is showing us how to respond to the betrayal, with food, with kindness, with suffering. 

Transforming the betrayal into redemption is what we are called to do.  When we have been talked about or scandalized we need to focus on Jesus dipping the morsel of food and then leaving the rest up to God.

We are called to be different in our approach and responses. 

Act with Love and Love will act.

Thursday, April 06, 2017

Thrursday Fifth Week of Lent

John 8: 51-59 

There are many people that can't accept that the man Jesus was the Christ.  It seems unlikely that a Spirit that creates the world and all the contents and laws therein would care so much to be involved in my life.  Who really cares what my day is like? 

Jesus came into the world to be part of the human experience.  Jesus came that we may have hope in an eternal life. 

One of our virtues is hope and when hope keeps us going we can see on a foggy day.  Hope finds its root in Love and Love springs from the eternal well of the living spirit of God.  People that lose hope lose sight of God, and the days and nights are too troublesome to be in a position to see hope and so some fall into depression and despair.

If we can trust in the word of God and hold on to hope we will soon experience the flow of Love.  Hope will bring us joy and peace. 

I often repeat this mantra throughout the day "We wait in joyful hope!" and the rest of that will do away with depression "for the coming of our savior Jesus Christ" 

Hope in God and you will be free!  Find your identity in Christ, not an institution or a person, and Hope will show us Love.

Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Wednesday Fifth Week of Lent

John 8:31-42

Violence and darkness spread across the world and we can get lost in the theme of violence and hatred fueled by fear.  

When we turn on media sources it is difficult to watch without finding ourselves feeling desperate or hopeless or angry or hate-filled.  We look for leaders to calm and reassure our security by their words and actions in times of great distress and unsure times.

When we say we are a follower of Christ we are saying that we will do as Christ does. Love. 

Love in the face of hatred.  Love in the face of violence.  Love in the face of your executioners. Love when we are falsely accused.  Love when we are cast away from society.  Love when we don't get our way.  Love when we are misunderstood.  Love is the way to the heart of Christ and the way of Peace.  Always Love.

Jesus knows how we feel and why we feel the way that we do.  Trust Him and ask Him to open our hearts to His Love. 

Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Tuesday the Fish Week of Lent

John 8:21-30

There is a real sense of Hope today.  The community of believers struggled to find the depth of Jesus' messages.  Today, the Pharisees seem to really miss the mark again.  Salvation comes from the forgiving victim.  

Our sinful nature is met with Love and Love wins.  Look at the crucifix.  When we sit and contemplate the mystery of Christ entering the human story as a vulnerable child, suffering as an innocent victim, and rising again we are met with a God who knows what it means to suffer, we have a God who knows what it is like to be fully human and continue to be the Divine image of the Father. 

Jesus met the corruption of humanity head on and tells the people in the gospel that He is the one to follow to salvation.

Sit and take some time to think about the Love that hung on a cross and died, only to defeat the chains of death with more Love than the world can ever imagine. 

Monday, April 03, 2017

Monday Fifth Week of Lent

John 8: 1-11

There is a woman "caught in the very act" of adultery in the gospel.  Caught in the act of a "crime" and now the righteous look for a way to trip up Jesus. 

He bends down, meeting the woman where she is, reducing the effect of superiority, and shows empathy.  He draws in the sand and retorts the killing with his unveiling of the truth and says to the righteous to go ahead and throw the stones if they haven't sinned.  

That makes for a shut and closed case for the woman.  Eyewitness accounts of being caught in adultery is a death penalty.  The woman knew what was in store for her and there are no words from this woman in scripture except after Jesus scatters the accusers.

Jesus already knows and gets right to the point. 

Jesus just doesn't ask for a laundry list of sins to repent for, HE says; "Neither do I condemn you"  What a relief to hear that the one that has the power to forgive sins has forgiven her and without her asking for it.  Jesus knows the heart and the motives and intentions behind every action.

Today's gospel is an indication of the reach of Love that Christ has for us.  He Loves, unconditionally.  Did you hear that? unconditionally.