Monday, January 30, 2017

Reflection 1/30/17

This gospel is another one that reminds us that our situation may seem hopeless, but with God all things are possible. Just before this reading, Jesus, calms a storm that seemed impossible to do.  Jesus is on His way to heal a man that is possessed by many demons. The man is roaming among the dead and chained and his life of freedom seems hopeless.   Yet, Jesus, stands right there to confront the demons and they plead "don't torment us" 

Evil compounds evil and our freedom lies in Christ.

What are the demons that chain me to the dead?  (FEAR!!) How does Jesus heal us? (LOVE!!!)

Find Hope that in situations that seem hopeless, there stands Truth, waiting to free us. 

May we not say "Don't torment my comfortable life", but, with the passion of Christ remember He, the Truth, will set us free.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Reflection 1/23/17

While there are those that run around trying to figure out who is following the rubrics, there are those that look for opportunities to grow in Love.  Growing in Love requires a humble approach, and the approach starts with a simple word, "Yes", and "Yes" leads us to a closer relationship with, Jesus.

You see, we are much quicker to send a soul to hell based on our understanding of what we think Jesus wants from us than Jesus is.  Here are the words that are penned

"Amen, I say to you, all sins and all blasphemies
that people utter will be forgiven them.

But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit
will never have forgiveness,
but is guilty of an everlasting sin."

I guess it's hard for some people to grasp the idea that the person we think is going to hell based on our perceptions may be in paradise.

Love never changes and while some argue the tough love stance, remember this 'Judge not less ye be judged."  it is much harder to show Love and Mercy than it is to damn a soul.  Take the road Jesus showed us.
In Him,
Br. Robert, BSD