Sunday, April 17, 2016

The work of the Shepherd

Jesus uses the every day symbols that the people are familiar with so His message can be understood by His listeners. 

Today's gospel we will hear of that sheep gate and how that applies to our daily life.  

First, we need to understand that Jesus is talking to us.  He always talks to us in His lessons.

Jesus is the good shepherd that keeps us safe from the daily dangers that exist in the world.  

One may ask; "where is Jesus during all the evils that result in death, injury, and problems." The answer is in our responses. 

Jesus is teaching us to follow Him and trust Him in ALL things! 

Growing up on a farm I can tell you that the illustrations Jesus uses are spot on! 

Some animals are stronger than others, both physically and mentally, and as a young man I realized that I could use a stronger animal to help the weaker ones follow the way. 

By getting the stronger animals to do what was needed it was a lot easier to handle the less capable ones.

Jesus came as a man in a time when men were the cultural leaders.  He came as a man that we may follow His way easier because He wasn't a duck.

Think about that for a minute. 

The illustration in the gospel is rich with instructions on how to be just and loving.

We are all followers and leaders. 

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