Monday, May 09, 2016

We Are Never Alone

Today in the Gospel, John, recalls a moment when the disciples "got it" or so they thought.
One of the most effective ways to communicate is to keep the message simple and understandable.  One of the hardest tasks in doing that is to know your audience's ability to understand and interpret the message as it is intended.
Jesus has just finished a three year mission with his followers and today we hear they understand, finally, yet Jesus cautions them in their ability to grasp the depth of the message. 
The message of Jesus was extremely simple, Love God the Father above all things, and Love EVERYONE, as you love yourself, but the hard part was the laying aside of expectations that the followers had regarding Jesus and the mission He was sent to accomplish.
We can get caught up in the rhetoric (word game) that different human opinions and different human experiences can lead us to, unless we remember the big picture.  This "game" is the focal point of our modern life.  Just pay attention to the news, commercials, and other ads as they all, in some way or another, let us know we NEED their product or we NEED "this person" to be better.
There is the problem at the root that we encounter.
Jesus has an answer for us today and He tells us clearly and simply; 
"But I am not alone, because the Father is with me.
I have told you this so that you might have peace in me.
In the world you will have trouble,
but take courage, I have conquered the world.”
Whatever deficiencies we think we have are made perfect in the body of Christ, think about that.
As we gaze upon Jesus on the cross, in the Eucharist, in Sacred Scriptures, and in the people that we meet, remember these words;
"We remember how you loved us to Your death, 
And still we celebrate for You are with us here. 
And we believe that we will see You when you come in Your glory, Lord. 
We remember, we celebrate, we believe." 

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