John 8: 51-59
There are many people that can't accept that the man Jesus was the Christ. It seems unlikely that a Spirit that creates the world and all the contents and laws therein would care so much to be involved in my life. Who really cares what my day is like?
Jesus came into the world to be part of the human experience. Jesus came that we may have hope in an eternal life.
One of our virtues is hope and when hope keeps us going we can see on a foggy day. Hope finds its root in Love and Love springs from the eternal well of the living spirit of God. People that lose hope lose sight of God, and the days and nights are too troublesome to be in a position to see hope and so some fall into depression and despair.
If we can trust in the word of God and hold on to hope we will soon experience the flow of Love. Hope will bring us joy and peace.
I often repeat this mantra throughout the day "We wait in joyful hope!" and the rest of that will do away with depression "for the coming of our savior Jesus Christ"
Hope in God and you will be free! Find your identity in Christ, not an institution or a person, and Hope will show us Love.
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