Friday, April 01, 2016

"Come and Have Breakfast"

What a warm invitation we hear in today's gospel, "Come and Have Breakfast."

I'm on a retreat and stopped over a few days with my parents.  My parents are aged; mom is 72 and dad is 94.

To this day one of the traditions at my parents house is that mom loves to make breakfast for me and dad, and I don't dare disagree.

That brought me to today's Gospel and an understanding of how intimate a breakfast with loved ones and friends really is.  

Sharing breakfast over a charcoal fire after a long night of fishing, and unsucessful until the encounter they had with Jesus, must have been one of many memories and sharing.

There has been some time that has passed from the days of Jesus' death and resurrection, and this will be the first time that Jesus appears to Peter, who denied knowing Jesus over a charcoal fire.

Peter may have been wondering if Jesus was ever going to visit him after betraying him.  Peter may have been wondering that very night "Is He ever going to come and relieve me of this pain?" 

Jesus did come to Peter and did relieve him of his pain and what a breakfast that must have been. 

Then we have Johns' accounts of the events that are very clear and detailed after so many years that have passed;

                 "Even though there were so many, the net was not torn." 

This is a detail that made a lasting impression on a young man knowing well the fishermens lively-hood depends greatly on the condition of the nets.  Jesus, makes a point to fill the nets with so much food, and yet not too full to break them.

Over breakfast there is much to share and a lot to think about and Jesus takes the advantage and calms the mood.

Having breakfast with my parents, I can't help think that the memories that I experienced, memories of the many past breakfasts she cooked for me, were similiar to the ones the apostles had.  There must have been many fond memories that were shared that morning.  

Jesus knows just how much our nets can hold and He always gives us just enough. 

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