There are days when I look around and think "when will we ever find peace?" The daily news rarely reports on good things happening around the world, well, the occasional dog rescue or a child with a lemon aid stand to support a cause, but they are so rare that we forget that there are good people in the world.
Currently, the Islamic religion is taking quite a beating in the news, and with radical and ignorant Americans. Muslims are labeled so broadly that it is harmful to humanity.
Murderous acts by radicals are no different than a bad car salesman or a bank that has loaned money to a family knowing they will default, in that the action murders the soul. The act takes hold and grinds on the person so hard that the results are just a bitter downward spiral of mistrust and profiling so that the person walks away from the situation thinking that all car salesmen are crooks or all banks are predators.
We really need to be VERY cautious when we start placing these blankets over an entire population. Think how we would view police in light of the recent videos that show the use of excessive force that results in the death of a human person. We would be very suspicious of police and less likely to help.
The world is a violent place and we need to combat this with peace. Jesus Christ was persecuted with as much discrimination as was the Prophet Mohammad, whose followers are persecuted just like the Christians. We are united in the roots of Abraham and we need to remember that. We are united in the struggle to overcome violence because of peaceful actions and attitudes.
We also need to remember to refrain from harmful and hate filled words because of a terrorist attack that involves extreme and misguided intentions by groups of people that do not accurately represent the whole.
Being more accepting and tolerant is the beginning of the path to a greater understanding that leads to Peace.
This is the second week of Advent and we are called to reflect on Peace and how to acquire the inner peace that produces the fruit of the Spirit.
Peace is possible and we, as a human race, will find it, but it takes work and awareness of state run propaganda that is rallying the people for the wrong reasons and mislabeling people, whether intentionally or not. It takes refraining from spreading hate on social media.
Take time and study the word of God, and whether you are Christain, Jew, Islamic, Buddhist, or any other faith that is based in love and peace, and if you have no faith in religion, have faith that a loving peaceful human race will have a greater impact on future generations.
May you always know what Love and Peace are, and may the Light of Christ be with you to guide you in the darkness.
Br. Rob, BSD.
Our call is to share and live a life filled with Love, joy, and hope. Prison ministry, community outreach, and working with the marginalized is where you can find us. "Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not take care of You?"
Monday, December 07, 2015
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Send Them Back!
Father, forgive us. |
Stop this insanity.
Your people, my people, care more about a 40 inch TV., a new car, a big nice home, and bottled water than they do about humans. "Hearken to the sound of my voice and hear my cry"
What's the worse that could happen? Someone shoots up a theatre or blows up a federal building? The names change but the atrocities against humanity are the same, we kill each other and for what reason? Gold, Land, Oil, Religion? What is the reason we kill each other? Is it worth it?
Wars have been going on for so long and we keep reverting back to the same solution to conflicts. We take, we kill, we do what we want when the other guy is weaker and our technology is stronger.
Isn't it part of the evolutionary process to "get better" and to do things that are against our learned behaviors to make this world safer and better? I mean why is it so hard to think and talk out a solution to end wars, poverty, and injustices.
When we were children we pointed fingers and called each other nasty names and threw toys and broke things, we grabbed and took things, we bit and punched when we didn't get what we wanted, we still do.
What is this world going to look like for the future?
Will this violence ever stop?
War and violence are not the solutions for our problems; kindness, humility, and love are our solutions.
Thinking about the possibilities of dying by a gunshot in a movie theatre, I still go.
Thinking about the possibility that I may die at McDonalds from an assassin's bullet hasn't kept me from eating there.
Terror attacks happen every day in this country and across the globe and we just keep the same course, and that's insanity.
We point fingers and call names and then turn on the evening news to see who we need to hate or if we are hating the right flavor of the day.
Thinking about the possibility that I may die at McDonalds from an assassin's bullet hasn't kept me from eating there.
Terror attacks happen every day in this country and across the globe and we just keep the same course, and that's insanity.
We point fingers and call names and then turn on the evening news to see who we need to hate or if we are hating the right flavor of the day.
A child lies on a beach, dead, and we find that image offensive, yet we are not offended by the notion that we should close up our country, prohibit refugees for fear of a trojan horse. Or that we have systematically committed heinous acts of terrorism throughout the world for many, many years, or that we may be the victims of political agendas.
"Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." Forgive me, for not doing enough to help my fellow neighbor.
"Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." Forgive me, for not doing enough to help my fellow neighbor.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
"Judas, dost thou betray the Son of man with a kiss?"
In light of the recent attacks in Paris I have heard some really off color remarks from people that profess a Christian belief and the comments are just filled with fear.
"What if 'they' blow us up?" "What if this is like a trojan horse?" "Why should we help them?" "Send them back" My first thought was; "Why is this a "we" "them" issue? Why isn't this a humanity crisis that involves solutions and responses from all of the world?
There are so many questions and few answers at this point, but, what I can tell you is that if you open the bible and read the gospels, you will find the story of one Judas Iscariot in the text during the passion of Christ.
The Passion of the Christ takes us from Palm Sunday to the Resurrection and everything in between. I have read, slept on, mulled over, and LIVED Passion Week and have come to the understanding that what the Christ stood for, what his bare bones message is that we profess is this: "Love God above all" and "Love your brother as yourself" It's that simple folks.
So as a litmus test for a response to the refugee crisis in the world look at the examples of Christ during the Passion, especially, because this is where you find the character of the Christ.
The hardest and most difficult time in your life brings up the "sea floor of your life". Chaos, misery, lies, deceitfulness, violence, and betrayal are all in the week leading up to the crucifixion.
Jesus lived with, ate with, and worked with a "sleeper cell" named Judas Iscariot. Jesus knew his attacker was going to betray him and ultimately lead to the death of the Son of God.
The Son of God, Jesus the Christ, the Messiah, the Chosen One was turned over to be killed by one of his trusted companions and Jesus knew it would happen.
"Holy Week, or the Passion of Christ, has many examples of Christ's wisdom and life lessons in the darkest hours of His earthly life.
When I hear of the "plots" and "plans" made in darkness to betray a nation of people (by refugees) I am quickly cautioned to recall what happened to Jesus.
Judas kissed Jesus and that began the events of Holy Thursday that lead to the salvation of humanity though at the time I am sure you could see how hard it must have been to trust in the work God was doing.
Now, here is the difference. We live in fear of losing our cushy lifestyle. We fear the unknown. We have this uneasy feeling that terrorist may attack the United States, and they probably will, to make us conform to Islam. Jesus trusted in the Divine Plan we, too, must also.
There are people in agencies that care tremendously about the safety of the American people, that work every day to make this world better, and those people are the ones that do the best they can to maintain a very free life in America for all of us.
So, why did Judas betray Christ? Most scholars rest on the misunderstandings of Judas in regard to the mission Jesus was here to fulfill. When Judas found out that Jesus was not attempting a revolt against the government, Judas, betrayed him because he was angry and hurt.
What about the ones that want America to be blown up, what is it that they are angry and hurt over?
Why are we a target?
Taking precautions to prevent an attack is a prudent and noble aspiration, however, let's be realistic. Our history and activities throughout the world in the past 75 years have been, at best, poor.
Now, you need not be a religious person to grasp the concept of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
Would you want to go back to this? |
Terrorism will end when there is no longer participation in terrorism.
Find God in the response to a betrayal.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Hate breeds Hate
I read the news and related articles on a daily basis and I can’t help but feel a sense of sadness when I read about the lack of compassion communicated by leaders and potential leaders in America.
My Family took in refugees from Laos, Cambodia, and VietNam in the 70's. My Uncle, while serving as a green beret, married a Vietnamese girl named DING (and yes I made fun of her name) to get her out of the country because her family was killed or separated, she was going to die, in fact, it would have been highly probable that the US would have done it (According to my Uncle, the green beret).
I'm very thankful I saw this compassion and love as a child. My mother, the only girl of six children, never knew her father and never finished the eighth grade. My mother left school when she was just 13 and worked. I watched us struggle with many things, but I was always taught to be kind and help ANYONE that needs it. I remember my mother leaving the house at dinner to take food to someone that had none, and as recent as my last visit with her, she and her neighbor made lunch and dinner and took it to the park where 4 kids, that had been evicted from their house, were sitting on a bench while their mom was at work trying to make money for her family. (She was just evicted). Mom believes in God, a God that protects and cares for us through other people. Mom doesn't go to any organized services and SHE IS A SAINT.
My Dad was placed in a home in upstate New York at the age of 5, and left there through the great depression until he ran away to find a better life. He went to Puerto Rico to seek out family members where he stayed with an aunt and made a few dollars hustling the "numbers" racket for the mob. Eventually, he would join the Merchant Marines and serve in WWII. He worked two jobs to help and made time to practice baseball. He did what he was able to do and to help where he could.
Growing up in a "Catholic" home taught me how to rely on God, a God that didn't always come the way I would expect Him to or in the time frame that I desire. I remember one time my parents struggled to make my tuition and the good sisters let me stay in the convent from 5:30 am until classes started so my mom could get to work on time. There was never a hint of "money owed" from the sisters that helped form my view of the world.
My life has been full of experiences that have led me to believe in God and I have been given a sense of hope that has guided me through the most turbulent waters imaginable.
If you are kidnapped and taken to a prison camp for being Jewish, can you find hope? You did nothing. Your crime is that you are Jewish and one person was so full of hate that they spewed that on you and now you must surely die in that prison. Can you find hope, compassion, and love for your captors and toward the one that gave the order? Can you Love humanity?
When will we learn? Violence begets violence. Terrorism begets terrorism. Hate breeds hate. The hippies had it right, Love, Peace, and Joy. I seem to recall an ancient hippie profess the same thing.
Forgive someone, TODAY! Your peace will be "unsurpassable and beyond your understanding."
May God have Mercy on us ALL.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Francis in the United States
Rob Lopez, BSD. |
I remember the past few popes visiting the U.S. and the anticipation level was no less for Francis.
What can we say about the man that is in fisherman shoes? He is Christ on earth mixing with all peoples of every background and status. Ditching the elites to dine with the homeless. Visiting a correctional facility instead of historic tours and lunches with delegates. Francis visited with victims of sexual abuse, abuses at the hands of teachers, coaches, parents, and priests, signifying it's not just a focus on the churchmen, it is a human tragedy to be seen for the cruelty that infects all humanity. Francis was here to apologize and to promote healing for the churchmen's sins.
Pope Francis spoke to the congress and made history with the address that focused on the importance of human rights and the dignity of the person at all stages of life.
The plea to remember the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them so unto you. There was a concern for the stranger in the land “When the stranger in our midst appeals to us, we must not repeat the sins and the errors of the past. We must resolve now to live as nobly and as justly as possible, as we educate new generations not to turn their back on our “neighbors” and everything around us.”
Pope Francis came to bring hope and dialogue for the world that sometimes finds this to be difficult or impossible to attain.
The environment is a very important conversation we need to take seriously. Francis tied in the biological sameness in the earth and the person, thus requiring a duty that treats the earth as a person, which in turn treats the decisions that are made regarding the earth as important as the decisions made in regard to human dignity.
We can't throw away the earth because the earth is part of us and we live in union with the earth, a gift from the creator. Tough words and tough actions to defend the environment are going to be made very soon and we need to pray for the men and women directly involved.
Here was one thing I wanted to point out-Pope Francis is a man of prayer, study, and action and that's why he has the influence he has. He walks the walk and so must we.
Don't lose hope, and be Christ for all those we meet and may others see Christ in us.
Thursday, August 06, 2015
Today marks the 70th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. You will be hard pressed to find anyone that thinks the United States needs to apologize for the murderous act, after all it was a war the Japanese started.
The thought of an apology can bring about the fear that we will be viewed as weak and our stubbornness can overtake us.
When we talk about forgiveness we talk about a state of peacefulness. The road to forgive may be one that brings up the harshest and most painful memories we have, yet until we take that step to forgive the people that hurt us, we can never be still in that peace.
I'll give you a personal example;
There is a person that befriended me and I thought that this person was sincere and open. What I found out later was the person used the vulnerability to gain power over me.
I didn't have many friends and was new to the area and a bit out of place to say the least. The person began to ask me questions that I felt were sincere so I responded honestly.
Time passed by and it wasn't until I stopped by the theatre to say, "Hi" to my professor that the person really disappointed me.
The rehearsal was going on so I stopped to watch. I heard this person yell (Randomly and loudly) an insult that applied to what they thought was appropriate.
I remember tears rapidly approaching and I needed to just leave. I went to my car and cried. I went home that day thinking that everyone sucked. I thought that everyone was fake and really only talked to me because I was someone that they could joke about.
The person may not know that I heard the words that came from their mouth, but I remembered.
The very next day I was early for a class and a young lady sat next to me and said; "Rob, thanks for being my friend." I remember this because I was having an anxiety attack and her words calmed me, instantly. A few minutes later the guy walked in, and that was the day I forgave him. I realized that his immaturity is what was at the base of the remarks. My friend told me that you will always encounter liars and fakes, but love them any way.
Forgiveness comes from a very special place and that place is peaceful and loving. "Forgive them Father, they know not what they do."
The thought of an apology can bring about the fear that we will be viewed as weak and our stubbornness can overtake us.
When we talk about forgiveness we talk about a state of peacefulness. The road to forgive may be one that brings up the harshest and most painful memories we have, yet until we take that step to forgive the people that hurt us, we can never be still in that peace.
I'll give you a personal example;
There is a person that befriended me and I thought that this person was sincere and open. What I found out later was the person used the vulnerability to gain power over me.
I didn't have many friends and was new to the area and a bit out of place to say the least. The person began to ask me questions that I felt were sincere so I responded honestly.
Time passed by and it wasn't until I stopped by the theatre to say, "Hi" to my professor that the person really disappointed me.
The rehearsal was going on so I stopped to watch. I heard this person yell (Randomly and loudly) an insult that applied to what they thought was appropriate.
I remember tears rapidly approaching and I needed to just leave. I went to my car and cried. I went home that day thinking that everyone sucked. I thought that everyone was fake and really only talked to me because I was someone that they could joke about.
The person may not know that I heard the words that came from their mouth, but I remembered.
The very next day I was early for a class and a young lady sat next to me and said; "Rob, thanks for being my friend." I remember this because I was having an anxiety attack and her words calmed me, instantly. A few minutes later the guy walked in, and that was the day I forgave him. I realized that his immaturity is what was at the base of the remarks. My friend told me that you will always encounter liars and fakes, but love them any way.
Forgiveness comes from a very special place and that place is peaceful and loving. "Forgive them Father, they know not what they do."
Friday, July 31, 2015
God Is In Our Response
"I Was Sick And You Visited Me" |
Once in a while we see a nice "puppy story" or a report about a person or group of people that may be working toward a better community, but there still seems to be a lot of negative incidents.
Death and violence are part of our nature, but so is life and good people working hard to better the small part of the vineyard they are in.
One such situation came to mind while I was at work the other day.
I noticed a woman sitting on a bench under the tree with a man in a wheelchair. It was one of those really hot and humid days and I wanted to take a few moments to appreciate the good in the world.
With so much violence in this community, one homicide occurring just a few blocks from where we were, I saw God in action.
I finished my task and took a walk across the street to spend a few moments with the two. As I approached the two became clearer and I saw that the woman was holding the hand of the man who was physically unable to move about freely.
It reminded me of the passages in St. Matthew's Gospel, The sheep and the goats,
For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.' "Then the righteous will answer Him, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink?…
There in the midst of a busy day was the Face of God, Christ, was sitting with a man under a tree comforting and enjoying the breeze on a summer day and I was quickly reminded that, indeed, God is alive.
People ask me all of the time; "Where is God in this messed up world?" My answer is; HE is in your response. God doesn't ask us to fix the world in a magical swing of a wand.
You see, evil actions and events will occur. Situations like starving children and violent acts pollute or mind everyday and we can easily become hardened to the needs of the world.
How can we cure or fix the entire world? We can't unless we are in a position to do so, globally any way, but for most of us we are not asked to fix the world globally. We are asked to work right where we are.
Seeing the face of God in a fellow human can be hard to see, but I wanted to share what I saw and remind you that it is not in the big things, necessarily, where we see God, but in the responses to the small things.
Spending time with each other is a wonderful way to spread love and be an example for others.
We may not be able to change the world but we can make our little part of the world a better place.
Look and you shall find!
Friday, July 17, 2015
Violence In America
There is this need for people to answer the question "why?" when events happen that we have no explanation for or that seems to go against the major consensus in a culture.
For example, youth violence has been in the media lately across the land and in my hometown a 14-year-old boy shot an 18-year-old boy because he wanted the boys bike and was told "No."
The obvious questions that have been asked were directed at the parents and why didn't they watch over or instruct better or maybe why didn't the community get involved sooner.
When we look at American History, it's violent. The entire history of humanity is violent.
When I was growing up we would pretend to chase and shoot the Indians, but I never felt that actually shooting a gun at someone was OK or chasing a group of people to kill was acceptable.
So, what's different today that alarms us so much? One may propose that there is a media frenzy when there is a youth shooting and here is the secret ingredient; Mainstream Media and their agenda.
Let's look at the current news and ask; "Why has it been prepared this way for us?"
There is a young man that is draped in a Confederate flag and kills 9 people at a church. There are police officers that shoot innocent, unarmed people for no apparent other than not agreeing to submit to the orders of police.
What do you see in your minds eye when I describe this scenario: "Hundreds killed and more wounded when a late night attack by Insurgents led to the capture and control of the citizens town of. . ." "Wiretaps Reveal Criminal Activity and Plots" "Concentration Camp Occupants Rally and Demand To Be Treated Fairly"
"No More Welfare For Those That Don't Need It" "Drug Test To Be Used Before Receiving Governmental Aid."
Did you think about Christopher Columbus, Richard Nixon, Newt Ginrich, Power Companys and General Motors, and the last one I just thought would be interesting; If we tested the people that would benefit from the Federal subsidies and tax breaks, would they pass?
Here is the skinny- We LIE! we lie to the kids in school about the murderous and felonious activity of a man we celebrate as a holiday, Christopher Columbus. Newt Gingrich lobbied for support of "less government involvement" while what he really meant was less involvement when it comes to the rich, not the poor. General motors and Electric companies (parent companies) have been given hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks and government subsidies.
We got all in arms over the confederate flag while ignoring the crimes of our own flag. We branded Eric Snowden a treasonous felon because he, at the very least, brought the criminal U.S. activities to light.
The inner city and urban populations are no more than "concentration camps" that are crime infested because of the oppression. Our economic growth is violent and survived because of slave labor. Slave labor is working for minimum wages so there is a privileged sector that keeps the slave down and vulnerable. Ask any parent that works for minimum wage if they can afford to challenge injustices and poor working conditions.
So, Where is God? In the Truth that sets us free, accountability. When Jesus said; "How do you notice the splinter in your neibors eye and ignore the plank in our eye" We need to see the truth and that is hard to do when we are not informed.
The youth of this world see violence from their first days in school, American history is violent, and the media confirms the continued violence.
Humanity is violent, so why are we surprised to see a 14-year-old shoot another over a bike, when we have been taught history through a clouded and dirty lens? Is this any different than the way we have treated people in our history? We want America, Indian, so we are taking it and killing you or putting you on segregated land.
Accountability will go a long way, and it may be violent, too.
Be Jesus for each other.
For example, youth violence has been in the media lately across the land and in my hometown a 14-year-old boy shot an 18-year-old boy because he wanted the boys bike and was told "No."
The obvious questions that have been asked were directed at the parents and why didn't they watch over or instruct better or maybe why didn't the community get involved sooner.
When we look at American History, it's violent. The entire history of humanity is violent.
When I was growing up we would pretend to chase and shoot the Indians, but I never felt that actually shooting a gun at someone was OK or chasing a group of people to kill was acceptable.
So, what's different today that alarms us so much? One may propose that there is a media frenzy when there is a youth shooting and here is the secret ingredient; Mainstream Media and their agenda.
Let's look at the current news and ask; "Why has it been prepared this way for us?"
There is a young man that is draped in a Confederate flag and kills 9 people at a church. There are police officers that shoot innocent, unarmed people for no apparent other than not agreeing to submit to the orders of police.
What do you see in your minds eye when I describe this scenario: "Hundreds killed and more wounded when a late night attack by Insurgents led to the capture and control of the citizens town of. . ." "Wiretaps Reveal Criminal Activity and Plots" "Concentration Camp Occupants Rally and Demand To Be Treated Fairly"
"No More Welfare For Those That Don't Need It" "Drug Test To Be Used Before Receiving Governmental Aid."
Did you think about Christopher Columbus, Richard Nixon, Newt Ginrich, Power Companys and General Motors, and the last one I just thought would be interesting; If we tested the people that would benefit from the Federal subsidies and tax breaks, would they pass?
Here is the skinny- We LIE! we lie to the kids in school about the murderous and felonious activity of a man we celebrate as a holiday, Christopher Columbus. Newt Gingrich lobbied for support of "less government involvement" while what he really meant was less involvement when it comes to the rich, not the poor. General motors and Electric companies (parent companies) have been given hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks and government subsidies.
We got all in arms over the confederate flag while ignoring the crimes of our own flag. We branded Eric Snowden a treasonous felon because he, at the very least, brought the criminal U.S. activities to light.
The inner city and urban populations are no more than "concentration camps" that are crime infested because of the oppression. Our economic growth is violent and survived because of slave labor. Slave labor is working for minimum wages so there is a privileged sector that keeps the slave down and vulnerable. Ask any parent that works for minimum wage if they can afford to challenge injustices and poor working conditions.
So, Where is God? In the Truth that sets us free, accountability. When Jesus said; "How do you notice the splinter in your neibors eye and ignore the plank in our eye" We need to see the truth and that is hard to do when we are not informed.
The youth of this world see violence from their first days in school, American history is violent, and the media confirms the continued violence.
Humanity is violent, so why are we surprised to see a 14-year-old shoot another over a bike, when we have been taught history through a clouded and dirty lens? Is this any different than the way we have treated people in our history? We want America, Indian, so we are taking it and killing you or putting you on segregated land.
Accountability will go a long way, and it may be violent, too.
Be Jesus for each other.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Terrorism and Jesus.
There was a news feed showing up on my facebook relating a story regarding a Nazi War Criminal that is on trial for his participation during the holocaust. (link provided)
What continues to baffle me is when I read these stories and then I see the same acts of violence on humanity. There have been numerous accounts of the United States committing atrocities throughout the world and we don't view it as such.
There are terrorist acts committed daily within the United States too. (link provided)
When I think about how this applies to finding God it's as difficult to see as the Christ who stood in front of Pilate bloodied and beaten. Pilate asked; "What is Truth?" The Truth was in front of him and he couldn't see it. He couldn't see the truth because it was covered up with blood. We can't see the truth because it's covered up with the propaganda that shrouds the cultures senses.
If we can proclaim Christ and His Gospel, then we need to proclaim the injustices that bloody our cultures. OUR culture is guilty of terrorism unless we adapt the Relativism theory. We oppress diverse minds and thought through the pretext of Americanism. If you don't believe in the Christ, believe in the good for humanity.
If you don't agree with oppressing Muslims, because of the rogue actions of radical Muslims, you are labeled anti-American.
If you don't agree with equal rights for "non-traditional" marriages you are labeled a dissenter.
If you fight for the rights of those who have not (globally) you are a "bleeding heart liberal."
Jesus fought against the hypocrisy, The Woman Caught in Adultery and Healing of the Sick on the Sabbath.
Get the idea? Keep fighting! You're in good company. Jesus faced hypocrites in his day and was faced with the same responses that those who fight for the rights of justice and equality face today, "Even unto death"
If we are not hypocrites then let's stop acting like hypocrites. If we are, we need to stop. "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."
Here are some good sources to research.
Moral Truism-
Moral Relativism-
Moral relativism is the view that ethical standards, morality, and positions of right or wrong are culturally based, and, therefore, subject to a person's individual choice. We can all decide what is right for ourselves. You decide what's right for you, and I'll decide what's right for me. Moral relativism says, "It's true for me, if I believe it."
The Department of Defense Dictionary of Military Terms defines terrorism as: The calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.
What continues to baffle me is when I read these stories and then I see the same acts of violence on humanity. There have been numerous accounts of the United States committing atrocities throughout the world and we don't view it as such.
There are terrorist acts committed daily within the United States too. (link provided)
When I think about how this applies to finding God it's as difficult to see as the Christ who stood in front of Pilate bloodied and beaten. Pilate asked; "What is Truth?" The Truth was in front of him and he couldn't see it. He couldn't see the truth because it was covered up with blood. We can't see the truth because it's covered up with the propaganda that shrouds the cultures senses.
If we can proclaim Christ and His Gospel, then we need to proclaim the injustices that bloody our cultures. OUR culture is guilty of terrorism unless we adapt the Relativism theory. We oppress diverse minds and thought through the pretext of Americanism. If you don't believe in the Christ, believe in the good for humanity.
If you don't agree with oppressing Muslims, because of the rogue actions of radical Muslims, you are labeled anti-American.
If you don't agree with equal rights for "non-traditional" marriages you are labeled a dissenter.
If you fight for the rights of those who have not (globally) you are a "bleeding heart liberal."
Jesus fought against the hypocrisy, The Woman Caught in Adultery and Healing of the Sick on the Sabbath.
Get the idea? Keep fighting! You're in good company. Jesus faced hypocrites in his day and was faced with the same responses that those who fight for the rights of justice and equality face today, "Even unto death"
If we are not hypocrites then let's stop acting like hypocrites. If we are, we need to stop. "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."
Here are some good sources to research.
Moral Truism-
Moral Relativism-
Moral relativism is the view that ethical standards, morality, and positions of right or wrong are culturally based, and, therefore, subject to a person's individual choice. We can all decide what is right for ourselves. You decide what's right for you, and I'll decide what's right for me. Moral relativism says, "It's true for me, if I believe it."
The Department of Defense Dictionary of Military Terms defines terrorism as: The calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.
Monday, May 25, 2015
Memorial Day, A Time To Remember
There are plenty of social media venues that are posting about the purpose of today's holiday.
Memorial Day, a time to remember those who fought for the freedom of the country and the citizens.
My brother fought in VietNam and was never the same again. I can't imagine the horrors that come along with being engaged in a war or police action but what I do know is that many lives were permanently changed due to the wars.
My brother, John, was one of them. At age 18 he went to war and when he returned he was severely altered psychologically and never the same again, in fact, the rest of his adult life has been torturous. John has very serious issues as a result of the war.
John suffered from what we now know as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. There is no pretty side of a war and for those who have family and friends or may have served in war know all too well what follows.
I had a professor in college that remarked about a vet that had lost all limbs; "Geez, that guy has short arms and legs." Initially, the class was taken back, but he opened up a dialogue that was fascinating. The point of the comment was to get people to think of the results after all is over. There are real people that suffer and this war decision is not one to take lightly.
There were staunch military supporters and those that had beliefs that were not as supportive of the military and no matter what the individual views were I wanted to see why they had their views.
Most, unfortunately, they acquired them from a family structure that was a military biased source and never investigated the reality of their belief. They had not thought for themselves.
It's sorta like people that affiliate with a religious denomination that never look into the "telescope" (A reference to the Galileo trial)
I have a perpetual gratitude for my "freedom" and while the system is flawed, it may be the best the world has to offer.
What I have a problem with is the multitude of KIDS that go off to war with this delusion that they are effecting a change for the better and risk their life for a lie. They return without limbs, they have PTSD, and a host of other issues. They also don't make it home.
When the camera goes off, someone still has to care for them. There are huge costs to the human population, that fight and are in military actions, which we don't always consider.
VietNam, from a political standpoint, was a sham and on a human level was an atrocity.
"The American war was criminal in two major respects. Like the Dominican intervention and the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia, it was a case of aggression, conscious and premeditated. In 1954, the National Security Council stated that the US reserved the right to use force "to defeat local Communist subversion or rebellion not constituting armed attack,", i.e., in violation of "the supreme law of the land." The US acted on this doctrine. Furthermore, the conduct of the war was an indescribable atrocity. The US goal was to eradicate the revolutionary nationalist forces that, US officials estimated, enjoyed the support of half the population. The method, inevitably, was to destroy the rural society. During the war of annihilation partially succeeded in this aim, the US was never able to create a workable system out of the wreckage."
~Noam Chomsky~
Memorial Day, a time to remember those who fought for the freedom of the country and the citizens.
My brother fought in VietNam and was never the same again. I can't imagine the horrors that come along with being engaged in a war or police action but what I do know is that many lives were permanently changed due to the wars.
My brother, John, was one of them. At age 18 he went to war and when he returned he was severely altered psychologically and never the same again, in fact, the rest of his adult life has been torturous. John has very serious issues as a result of the war.
John suffered from what we now know as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. There is no pretty side of a war and for those who have family and friends or may have served in war know all too well what follows.
I had a professor in college that remarked about a vet that had lost all limbs; "Geez, that guy has short arms and legs." Initially, the class was taken back, but he opened up a dialogue that was fascinating. The point of the comment was to get people to think of the results after all is over. There are real people that suffer and this war decision is not one to take lightly.
There were staunch military supporters and those that had beliefs that were not as supportive of the military and no matter what the individual views were I wanted to see why they had their views.
Most, unfortunately, they acquired them from a family structure that was a military biased source and never investigated the reality of their belief. They had not thought for themselves.
It's sorta like people that affiliate with a religious denomination that never look into the "telescope" (A reference to the Galileo trial)
I have a perpetual gratitude for my "freedom" and while the system is flawed, it may be the best the world has to offer.
What I have a problem with is the multitude of KIDS that go off to war with this delusion that they are effecting a change for the better and risk their life for a lie. They return without limbs, they have PTSD, and a host of other issues. They also don't make it home.
When the camera goes off, someone still has to care for them. There are huge costs to the human population, that fight and are in military actions, which we don't always consider.
VietNam, from a political standpoint, was a sham and on a human level was an atrocity.
"The American war was criminal in two major respects. Like the Dominican intervention and the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia, it was a case of aggression, conscious and premeditated. In 1954, the National Security Council stated that the US reserved the right to use force "to defeat local Communist subversion or rebellion not constituting armed attack,", i.e., in violation of "the supreme law of the land." The US acted on this doctrine. Furthermore, the conduct of the war was an indescribable atrocity. The US goal was to eradicate the revolutionary nationalist forces that, US officials estimated, enjoyed the support of half the population. The method, inevitably, was to destroy the rural society. During the war of annihilation partially succeeded in this aim, the US was never able to create a workable system out of the wreckage."
~Noam Chomsky~
I will fight for the right of truth, I would die to defend the freedom and liberty of ANY person, I won't die for Congress, big business, and propaganda that poses as American Loyalty.
Since World War II the US has murdered roughly 60 million innocent people all over the world and ruined the lives of hundreds of millions more, in CIA and military “interventions.” (The 60 million figure comes from Chomsky and Vltchek’s book On Western Terrorism; for some of the details, read William Blum’s book entitled Killing Hope.) This so-called American Holocaust of post-World War II crimes, like the holocaust of African slaves and the holocaust of Native Americans, dwarfs the Nazi holocaust against Jews, gypsies, and communists.
We, Westerners, are free to grossly underestimate the number of victims of our own holocausts. But anyone who argues that significantly fewer than six million Jews were killed by the Nazis risks imprisonment. Is “Holocaust denial” illegal because the revisionist arguments cannot be successfully countered using logic and evidence? Or are these laws and prosecutions simply the neurotic symptom of a West that demonized the Nazis in order to cover up its own crimes, and conceal its own guilt?
Where is God in all of this? In the TRUTH, we are obligated to search for and write about, so we don't repeat history.
There are very good reasons that people like Noam Chomsky are labeled anti-American, pacifist, fanatical, and conspiracy kooks. It's because, like Socrates, the gadfly MUST poke the horse. There MUST be people to challenge the ideas and current beliefs to be the conscience for the people.
WE The People are in fact WE.
May God Bless all of our troops and their commanders that they may always be protected and guided by the Truth of Christ!
Sunday, April 26, 2015
"The Good Shepherd"
The Good Shepherd, what does that mean to you? The good shepherd lays down his/her life for the sheep.
Now, we don't have to be martyrs to lay down our life. Life can be giving up things we may selfishly desire or have that keeps the sheep in danger.
If the shepherd leaves the sheep in the field because there is a party or maybe he/she is tired and decides to take a nap when the sheep are vulnerable the shepherd is failing the sheep.
There is a very real responsibility to our call to be the shepherd. There also is a responsibility to transform the sheep the shepherd.
This parable is only a way to glimpse into the world of Jesus at the time it was written. We are called to be the shepherd to those who need help and part of the call is teaching the sheep to be shepherd, free and independent from the shepherd that they may lead, too.
We cannot be caught up in the restricted, narrow minded, and literal words of the parable. We need to look past that and really see that this shepherd is accessible and loving, so much so that the desire is that sheep grow and become the shepherd with their own flock to shepherd.
Let's bring that to our life. Simply, it's being a parent, sibling, friend or stranger. The actions and words that we perform each day is the shepherding and the listening and attentiveness to those around us is growth of the sheep.
We are not called to be dependent, indecisive, or fearful people. We, free from ego, will naturally grow together because that Divine Light shines in each of us. There is no fear of evil when we remove the ego, the freedom of Love will conquer it.
Perfect Love casts all evil, remember that! Perfect Love is that Divine Light that shines in us and the great thing is as you an I breathe each breath, we are breathing the life of God.
We got away from that as a church. We took Jesus out of the field and placed Him on a throne way out of reach. Our church architecture, also, showed it to us and that was a powerful illustration for the people that still keeps us captive.
Be free and know that the Spirit of the living God is in each of us and no matter the prejudices passed on from the "little sheep" generations, we are called to a greater understanding that we, too, may become shepherds.
My prayer: "May I always see Christ in others and may those I meet always see Christ in me."
Wednesday, April 01, 2015
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Entering this Holy Week, let us be ever mindful of the sacrifice of the Son for the atonement of our sins.
The Lamb of God who takes away the Sins of the world presented himself as an offering to fulfill the Sacred Scripture and lead humanity from the chains of death.
"O' Death where is your victory, O' death where is your sting?"
Be still and meditate on this beautiful Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
The Lamb of God who takes away the Sins of the world presented himself as an offering to fulfill the Sacred Scripture and lead humanity from the chains of death.
"O' Death where is your victory, O' death where is your sting?"
Be still and meditate on this beautiful Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
Friday, March 27, 2015
Rob Lopez |
The people are only concerned with their individual problems and Jesus is no performer that does a trick upon request.
The misguided joy and excitement that is surrounding this entry into the holy city must have been one of the most difficult moments that Jesus went through.
I assert that the pain of knowing that people don't "get it" is worse that the pain of a crucifixion. There is a definitive end to a crucifixion.
Hammering nails in a person's hands and feet are horrible but with the knowledge that people "don't get it" there is a perpetual pain that greets you daily and for a lifetime.
Jesus said many times that his closest friends "don't get it" and how did He expect strangers, that only wanted someone to overthrow the present governmental state to understand.
Palms waving and cheering crowds are surely met with a sad heart. Jesus knew what was coming and the "blindness" he so often spoke of was right in front of him.
If only we can SEE with the heart of Christ. If only we STAND with an understanding of LOVE. If only we could LIVE with trusting more in the Steersman than with our plans.
Palm Sunday begins Passion week, the final journey to calvary. We stand cheering with an expectation of a trick or favor only to be disappointed in the realization that Jesus does no tricks and favors.
Now, what do we do? We crucify him and look for someone who will fulfill our need.
This brings us to our life, today, in 2015. Holy Week is a time to LIVE in the life of Christ in those final days.
Be well my readers and know God Loves us ALL, in spite of our selfish ways. The cheering should be at the tomb on Sunday when we are saved and not by our standards.
Thursday, March 05, 2015
Abraham's Trust
Rob Lopez |
What kind of God would ask such a thing? What kind of God allows so much suffering and torture in the world?
I suppose God could ask; "What kind of people would allow such suffering and torture in the world?" "What kind of people would ask ME to change the world THEY created?"
I have several friends who don't believe in God or any "religious" worship. There is a common thread that God doesn't exist because there has been no personal validation or any experiences that are reported are scientifically discredited.
What/Who is God? The answer to this can drag your mind around for years if there is an answer to be understood.
God is defined as LOVE.
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophesies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away."
1 Cor 13 4-8
Looking at all the suffering and torture in the world and relating them to this passage I will dare to say that the two don't intermingle very well.
Who is responsible for the suffering in the world? We are responsible.
We have the means to provide for our brothers and sisters worldwide. The conditions are put in place by the actions of man.
If humanity were to follow the above scripture I would dare to say that we would no longer ask what kind of God would allow this evil in the world. If we treated our brothers and sisters with LOVE we would watch the Kingdom on Earth transform into a glorious, free, and loving planet.
When I read about the income of people who play sports, make music and movies, and are executives with six-figure incomes with bonuses and then pass by the suffering and afflicted of the world I can’t help but think about the way things would be if we cared for the marginalized persons in the world and then thought about our own desires.
Have we ever considered the concept that a life lived in a vow of poverty results in the building up of the world?
The vow of poverty doesn’t mean I can enjoy life but calls us to enjoy life while giving to those who have not.
Since taking my vow of poverty over 15 years ago, I have never wanted. There is no need that can’t be met when we focus on the needs of others and work as a family.
When you see the news and atrocities against humanity, remember that humanity is responsible. It begins with personal sin or for those who don’t believe in the Divine Assistance, it begins with selfishness of man and not selflessness, it begins with the absence of LOVE.
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