I was speaking to a woman after mass the other day and she explained how she felt like her prayers didn't matter.
She went to describe the many years of praying that she has done for one particular cause, her son to find his path.
I could see that the woman was sad and I asked her why the sadness, she just gave her son to Jesus at mass, surely her mind could rest a bit.
We talked about this centurion in today's gospel and I added that maybe the situation isn't for her son, maybe it's for you. I mean when God works He has a big plan that we aren't always able to see.
Humility is a gift and the centurion had it and so must we. How do we get it? Seeing others with the eyes of God, listening to others with the ears of God, working with the hands of God, loving with unconditional love. Humility is the road to heaven.
After a short time more I added that all the years that St. Monica prayed for Augustine we only see that her prayers were heard by God and how that transformed Augustine's life, what we don't hear about is all the people that Monica came in contact with while she was praying, we don't hear about the Monica that helped a neighbor, cared for the old, sheltered the poor and orphaned, yet these very things are what her prayers did for her, they humbled her in the face of God, in the face of her brothers and sisters, and in Augustine's eyes.
It wasn't until I asked her what his path looked like that she stared at me; "He's on it" she said.
You got it! We are on it!
Your prayers are powerful and have an effect on the entire planet, Please, understand that we are all connected to one Almighty, Compassionate, Caring, Loving God.
God hears all of our prayers and has already dispatched his angels to align the plan, sometimes there are a lot of demons working against you and it takes the angels time to fight them all off, and to reach you.
Be humble in His eyes and pray, Prayer goes where we can't