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Father, forgive us. |
Stop this insanity.
Your people, my people, care more about a 40 inch TV., a new car, a big nice home, and bottled water than they do about humans. "Hearken to the sound of my voice and hear my cry"
What's the worse that could happen? Someone shoots up a theatre or blows up a federal building? The names change but the atrocities against humanity are the same, we kill each other and for what reason? Gold, Land, Oil, Religion? What is the reason we kill each other? Is it worth it?
Wars have been going on for so long and we keep reverting back to the same solution to conflicts. We take, we kill, we do what we want when the other guy is weaker and our technology is stronger.
Isn't it part of the evolutionary process to "get better" and to do things that are against our learned behaviors to make this world safer and better? I mean why is it so hard to think and talk out a solution to end wars, poverty, and injustices.
When we were children we pointed fingers and called each other nasty names and threw toys and broke things, we grabbed and took things, we bit and punched when we didn't get what we wanted, we still do.
What is this world going to look like for the future?
Will this violence ever stop?
War and violence are not the solutions for our problems; kindness, humility, and love are our solutions.
Thinking about the possibilities of dying by a gunshot in a movie theatre, I still go.
Thinking about the possibility that I may die at McDonalds from an assassin's bullet hasn't kept me from eating there.
Terror attacks happen every day in this country and across the globe and we just keep the same course, and that's insanity.
We point fingers and call names and then turn on the evening news to see who we need to hate or if we are hating the right flavor of the day.
Thinking about the possibility that I may die at McDonalds from an assassin's bullet hasn't kept me from eating there.
Terror attacks happen every day in this country and across the globe and we just keep the same course, and that's insanity.
We point fingers and call names and then turn on the evening news to see who we need to hate or if we are hating the right flavor of the day.
A child lies on a beach, dead, and we find that image offensive, yet we are not offended by the notion that we should close up our country, prohibit refugees for fear of a trojan horse. Or that we have systematically committed heinous acts of terrorism throughout the world for many, many years, or that we may be the victims of political agendas.
"Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." Forgive me, for not doing enough to help my fellow neighbor.
"Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." Forgive me, for not doing enough to help my fellow neighbor.