Rob Lopez, BSD. |
I remember the past few popes visiting the U.S. and the anticipation level was no less for Francis.
What can we say about the man that is in fisherman shoes? He is Christ on earth mixing with all peoples of every background and status. Ditching the elites to dine with the homeless. Visiting a correctional facility instead of historic tours and lunches with delegates. Francis visited with victims of sexual abuse, abuses at the hands of teachers, coaches, parents, and priests, signifying it's not just a focus on the churchmen, it is a human tragedy to be seen for the cruelty that infects all humanity. Francis was here to apologize and to promote healing for the churchmen's sins.
Pope Francis spoke to the congress and made history with the address that focused on the importance of human rights and the dignity of the person at all stages of life.
The plea to remember the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them so unto you. There was a concern for the stranger in the land “When the stranger in our midst appeals to us, we must not repeat the sins and the errors of the past. We must resolve now to live as nobly and as justly as possible, as we educate new generations not to turn their back on our “neighbors” and everything around us.”
Pope Francis came to bring hope and dialogue for the world that sometimes finds this to be difficult or impossible to attain.
The environment is a very important conversation we need to take seriously. Francis tied in the biological sameness in the earth and the person, thus requiring a duty that treats the earth as a person, which in turn treats the decisions that are made regarding the earth as important as the decisions made in regard to human dignity.
We can't throw away the earth because the earth is part of us and we live in union with the earth, a gift from the creator. Tough words and tough actions to defend the environment are going to be made very soon and we need to pray for the men and women directly involved.
Here was one thing I wanted to point out-Pope Francis is a man of prayer, study, and action and that's why he has the influence he has. He walks the walk and so must we.
Don't lose hope, and be Christ for all those we meet and may others see Christ in us.