Friday, March 27, 2015


Rob Lopez
The account of Christ riding into Jerusalem on an ass fulfilled the prophecies from ages prior and the greeting that Christ received was similar to a presidential inauguration.

The people are only concerned with their individual problems and Jesus is no performer that does a trick upon request.

The misguided joy and excitement that is surrounding this entry into the holy city must have been one of the most difficult moments that Jesus went through.

I assert that the pain of knowing that people don't "get it" is worse that the pain of a crucifixion. There is a definitive end to a crucifixion.  

Hammering nails in a person's hands and feet are horrible but with the knowledge that people "don't get it" there is a perpetual pain that greets you daily and for a lifetime.

Jesus said many times that his closest friends "don't get it" and how did He expect strangers, that only wanted someone to overthrow the present governmental state to understand.

Palms waving and cheering crowds are surely met with a sad heart.  Jesus knew what was coming and the "blindness" he so often spoke of was right in front of him.

If only we can SEE with the heart of Christ.  If only we STAND with an understanding of LOVE.  If only we could LIVE with trusting more in the Steersman than with our plans.

Palm Sunday begins Passion week, the final journey to calvary.  We stand cheering with an expectation of a trick or favor only to be disappointed in the realization that Jesus does no tricks and favors.

Now, what do we do?  We crucify him and look for someone who will fulfill our need.

This brings us to our life, today, in 2015.  Holy Week is a time to LIVE in the life of Christ in those final days.

Be well my readers and know God Loves us ALL, in spite of our selfish ways.  The cheering should be at the tomb on Sunday when we are saved and not by our standards.

Thursday, March 05, 2015

Abraham's Trust

Rob Lopez
We hear the story of God asking Abraham to slay his only son and we are stopped in our tracks.

What kind of God would ask such a thing?  What kind of God allows so much suffering and torture in the world?

I suppose God could ask;  "What kind of people would allow such suffering and torture in the world?"  "What kind of people would ask ME to change the world THEY created?"

I have several friends who don't believe in God or any "religious" worship.   There is a common thread that God doesn't exist because there has been no personal validation or any experiences that are reported are scientifically discredited.

What/Who is God?  The answer to this can drag your mind around for years if there is an answer to be understood.  

God is defined as LOVE.  

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophesies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away." 
1 Cor 13 4-8
Looking at all the suffering and torture in the world and relating them to this passage I will dare to say that the two don't intermingle very well. 
Who is responsible for the suffering in the world?  We are responsible.  
We have the means to provide for our brothers and sisters worldwide.  The conditions are put in place by the actions of man.

If humanity were to follow the above scripture I would dare to say that we would no longer ask what kind of God would allow this evil in the world.  If we treated our brothers and sisters with LOVE we would watch the Kingdom on Earth transform into a glorious, free, and loving planet.

When I read about the income of people who play sports, make music and movies, and are executives with six-figure incomes with bonuses and then pass by the suffering and afflicted of the world I can’t help but think about the way things would be if we cared for the marginalized persons in the world and then thought about our own desires.

Have we ever considered the concept that a life lived in a vow of poverty results in the building up of the world? 

The vow of poverty doesn’t mean I can enjoy life but calls us to enjoy life while giving to those who have not.

Since taking my vow of poverty over 15 years ago, I have never wanted. There is no need that can’t be met when we focus on the needs of others and work as a family. 

When you see the news and atrocities against humanity, remember that humanity is responsible.  It begins with personal sin or for those who don’t believe in the Divine Assistance, it begins with selfishness of man and not selflessness, it begins with the absence of LOVE.